What is Curlyfleece?

Curlyfleece is a term used by Australian Labradoodle breeders to describe their poodle/labrador retriever cross that has a very curly coat.curlyfleece This is a non-shedding/allergy friendly coat type.curlyfleece The Fleece coat is wavy or curling and has a soft textured fleecy feel. The Wool coat has a definite dense wool feeling and is a bit more wavy or curly than the Fleece. Both of these coat types are non-shedding, allergy friendly, and easy to maintain.

Hair, on the other hand, has a flat or slick appearance and is a shedding coat that is not allergy friendly.curlyfleece These are not the only coat types seen in labradoodles, but these are the two that are most common. The other three coat types are:

Some of our F1 and F1b labradoodles have a Hair coat that is not as wavy or curly as a Fleece or Wool coat, but this is a beautiful coat type that sheds to some degree.curlyfleece

Regardless of the type of coat your doodle has, it is important to brush them weekly to keep their coat healthy and free of mats and knots.curlyfleece The best way to do this is with a slicker brush or a tangle teezer. We also recommend spraying their coat with water to help rehydrate and bring back the curls.

We have found that a doodle with a fleece coat requires less grooming than a doodle with a wool coat.curlyfleece This is because a fleece coat is very light and moves with your dog so that it doesn’t get matted or knotted easily. However, it still needs to be brushed a couple of times a week and will need attention in areas such as their ears and collar.

A doodle with a Wool coat is very similar to sheep’s wool in texture.curlyfleece It has a very wavy or forming spiral look and has a soft luster. The curls can be loose or tightly coiled. The coat should naturally grow in staples and have a soft texture. The Wool coat can be a wavy or curly and is usually not shedding, but it does require a bit more maintenance than the Fleece coat. The doodles with this coat should be brushed a few times a week and combed to keep it looking neat and tidy.

